Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Successful Summit!!!

Sorry for the delay. Our normal lines of communication have been a bit disrupted, but I just heard that the three climbers remaining and both guides made the summit!

Tim, Andy, Denis, Peter and Michael all reached the summit late in the evening on Monday. The day was clear and their views as they looked out from the top of North America were stunning. This was their second time going high in two days, so they all needed to dig deep to find the energy and resolve to keep pushing, but they found it, and did great!

Congratulations to all the climbers!

They descended part of the way back down their route yesterday, and will undoubtedly push all the way back to base camp today.


  1. Tim, Andy, Denis, Peter and Michael,

    Praise God!! You reached the summit safely and on a clear day no less!! Congratulations. We are so proud of all of you. Can't wait to hear all the stories. Tim, we love you.

    Mom and Dad

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations!!! So glad to hear that you all had a beautiful day and a successful summit.

    GO TIMMY!!!! :)

    --Lizzy and Anthony

  4. Tim,
    I can't wait to hear all your stories!!!!
    Great job!!!!
    Love, Larissa

  5. Well done to all! Very proud of you Andy! Can't wait for your return, love Bill

  6. Ands you are truly an amazing man! Well done!I am so proud of you gorgeous! Cant wait to see you soooon, counting the sleeps! I love you with all my heart A2 xx

  7. Andy your Mom, Nooks, Scott and Jack all send lots of love and say well done to you and are very proud of you!

  8. Congratulations to the whole team on a successful summit! Well done guys! Thats awesome! Come home safe!

  9. Tim,
    Congrats Cuz!! Knew you'd do it. Can't wait to see the photos.

    Rj and Gayle

  10. Andy your Gummer is just super excited you made it and stood at the top of North America! He sends his congratulations and love and cant wait to catch up with you soon!

  11. Congratulations to you all and so glad you had a clear day at the top! Well done Denis, what a wonderful achievement - hope you have a safe trip down to base and looking forward to seeing you when you are back. Susannahx

  12. Yoooouuuhhhooooouuu!!!!! You made it!!! Come back safely now... Well done Denis & all. Cissou & Vincent

  13. Hi Dad/Ands, CONGRATULATIONS for summiting!! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see you. We love you so much. Love us xxxx
