Monday, July 6, 2009

Pics from Talkeetna!

The team, "fresh" off the DeHavilland Beaver.
(Click on the image for a larger version)

Breathing the thick, rich air while waiting to unload the plane.

No rest for the weary. Unloading the plane in front of the Talkeetna Air Taxi office.

Brandon, a bit thinner perhaps, but psyched for the reception at the airstrip.

Andy and Tim chilling out and thinking about big food and showers...

Denis exhibiting one of the more common souvenirs from Denali, a dry cough. Upper respiratory infections are all too common on Denali, for some reason, and it is not a good place to heal.

Another common souvenir- blistered toes. It is all too easy to slip into the "heading back to the barn" mind set and just keep beating feet back to the airstrip on the descent. We've all ignored hot spots on our toes as we know that we are just..a...few...hours...from the airstrip, and all will be well once we!

Brandon, looking a bit pink, but not terribly sunburned. It is almost impossible to put too much sunscreen on while you are on the glacier. We try to have everyone apply a fresh layer every hour, but even that does not keep the sun's rays at bay.

Andy, perhaps wondcring what his girlfriend will say...

If you read this, Andy- WE WANT TO KNOW AS WELL!!!

Some kind of homecoming! It's great to see you, baby, but could you please take a shower?!?!
Brandon and his sweetie, Julie

Peter, illustrating the art of applying deodorant, an art not much practiced by the team over the past couple of weeks...

Tim, loading up his truck for the long drive back to New York. Tim took a long road-trip to get to Alaska, and actually stopped by to visit in Ophir. Everyone should take a road-trip to Alaska at least once in his or her life.

Tim's truck and a shameless plug for Timber Hill Enterprises. If I ever need a sweet house built, I'm going to call Tim.

Click HERE to check out his website.

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