Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No word yet from High Camp

I had hoped to post that the team went for the summit and made it yesterday, but we have not heard anything. As soon as we get acall from the crew, we'll let you know!

(roll suspenseful drumroll background music...)


  1. Shew - talk about nail biting stuff! Have been checking this blog every 5 minutes for news!

  2. Tim, The suspense is making us crazy! We pray that you guys made it to the summit safely and are all doing well. Hope to hear soon!! In any case, be safe.

    Love, Mom

  3. Hi Ands, I hope that you are safe and doing well. Been a long time since we heard any news! As you can imagine I'm very anxious!! Looking forward to hearing your voice soon and seeing you. I love you, A2
